[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] ボリュームを間違って削除した時にありがたいボリュームリカバリーキューの紹介

[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] ボリュームを間違って削除した時にありがたいボリュームリカバリーキューの紹介

Clock Icon2023.03.31


げげげっ! ボリュームを間違えて削除してしまった!


皆さんはAmazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP(以降FSx for ONTAP)のボリュームを間違えて削除してしまったことはありますか? 私はありません。しかし、今後しでかしそうな予感がしています。

というのもFSx for ONTAPのボリュームには削除保護がありません。



しかし、AWS CLIから削除しようとすると、すんなり削除の処理が走ります。(オプションを指定しない場合、削除前にバックアップの処理が走ります)

# ボリュームの削除
$ aws fsx delete-volume --volume-id fsvol-06bed1a4386995178
    "VolumeId": "fsvol-06bed1a4386995178",
    "Lifecycle": "DELETING"

# ボリュームのステータスの確認
$ aws fsx describe-volumes --volume-id fsvol-06bed1a4386995178
    "Volumes": [
            "CreationTime": "2023-02-12T09:05:31.824000+00:00",
            "FileSystemId": "fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709",
            "Lifecycle": "DELETING",
            "Name": "vol_timezone",
            "OntapConfiguration": {
                "FlexCacheEndpointType": "NONE",
                "JunctionPath": "/vol_timezone",
                "SecurityStyle": "UNIX",
                "SizeInMegabytes": 128,
                "StorageEfficiencyEnabled": false,
                "StorageVirtualMachineId": "svm-0404cd705c847e961",
                "StorageVirtualMachineRoot": false,
                "TieringPolicy": {
                    "Name": "NONE"
                "UUID": "6d9092cb-aab4-11ed-946a-5191ab1a5297",
                "OntapVolumeType": "RW",
                "SnapshotPolicy": "timezone-test",
                "CopyTagsToBackups": false
            "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:<AWSアカウントID>:volume/fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709/fsvol-06bed1a4386995178",
            "VolumeId": "fsvol-06bed1a4386995178",
            "VolumeType": "ONTAP"

# ボリュームが削除されたことを確認
$ aws fsx describe-volumes --volume-id fsvol-06bed1a4386995178

An error occurred (VolumeNotFound) when calling the DescribeVolumes operation: Volume 'fsvol-06bed1a4386995178' does not exist.






  • ボリュームリカバリーキューとはボリュームタイプが RW または DP のボリュームを削除した場合、そのボリュームを部分的に削除された状態にする機能
  • デフォルトではボリュームは一定時間(デフォルトは12時間)リカバリキューに保持されたあと、完全に削除される
  • リカバリーキュー内に保存されている期間であればボリュームを復旧させることが可能
    • Snapshotも保持される
  • リカバリーキュー内に保存されている期間はそのボリュームが残るためスペースを消費する
    • ボリュームの削除目的がSSDの空き容量確保であれば、ボリュームリカバリーキューからボリュームを完全に削除する必要がある
  • ボリュームを削除すると以下の情報が削除されるためリカバリーキューからリカバリーした場合は再設定する必要がある
    • ジャンクションマッピング
    • LUN マッピング
    • Snapshot policy
    • Export policy
    • QoS policy
    • quota policy rules
  • リカバリーしたボリュームをオンラインにすると同じAggregate内の全てのボリュームのパフォーマンスが一時的に低下することがある
    • 大量にボリュームをリカバリーして、一気にオンラインするというのは避けた方が良い
  • リカバリーしてもStorage Efficiencyによるデータ削減量は維持される
  • リカバリーしても階層化は維持される
    • リカバリーするタイミングでキャパシティプールストレージ上のデータがSSDに書き戻される事象は発生しない
  • リカバリーするとStorage Efficiencyの優先度が低くなることがあるかも
    • 優先度が低い場合は自動バックグラウンド重複排除の対象でなくなる
    • volume efficiency promoteで優先度を上げることで対応する
  • リカバリーキューの保持期間をデフォルトの12時間から変更することも可能
    • ただし、変更には権限レベルがdiagnosticである必要
    • diagnosticNetAppのサポートがない限り使用してはいけない
    • 既にリカバリーキュー内にあるボリュームには影響を与えない
    • volume-delete-retention-hoursを0に指定すると、リカバリーキューに保持されず、即座にボリュームが削除される
  • ボリューム削除時に-forceを指定するとリカバリーキューに保持されず削除される
  • FlexGroupボリュームもリカバリーキューからリカバリー可能


ボリュームリカバリーキューとはボリュームタイプが RW または DP のボリュームを削除した場合、そのボリュームを部分的に削除された状態にする機能です。

デフォルトではボリュームは一定時間(デフォルトは12時間)リカバリキューに保持されたあと、完全に削除されます。 リカバリーキュー内に保存されている期間であればボリュームを復旧させることが可能です。



リカバリキュー内のボリュームは、引き続きアグリゲートスペースを消費します。アグリゲートスペースを消費'volume show-footprint'しているボリュームについて混乱を避けるため、コマンドの出力には、すべての権限レベルで部分的に削除されたボリュームが含まれます。

ボリュームリカバリキューの使用方法 - NetApp



  • ジャンクションマッピング
  • LUN マッピング
  • Snapshot policy
  • Export policy
  • QoS policy
  • quota policy rules







# ボリュームの作成
::> volume create -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -aggregate aggr1 -size 16GB -state online -policy default -tiering-policy none -junction-path /vol_recovery_test
[Job 1338] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームが作成されたことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume            size state  junction-path      available used  type
------- ----------------- ---- ------ ------------------ --------- ----- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test 16GB online /vol_recovery_test 15.20GB   340KB RW


# SSDの空き容量の確認
::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM
Vserver        Aggregate      State         Size Type    SnapLock Type
-------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- --------------
SVM            aggr1          online     808.3GB ssd     non-snaplock

::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM -instance

       Vserver: SVM
     Aggregate: aggr1
         State: online
Available Size: 808.3GB
Aggregate Type: ssd
 Snaplock Type: non-snaplock
Is NVE Capable: false

# SSDとキャパシティプールストレージの使用量の確認
::> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             52.18GB         6%
      Aggregate Metadata                             1.30GB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    98.84GB        11%

      Total Physical Used                           56.31GB         6%

      Total Provisioned Space                       100.1TB

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  867.6MB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   867.6MB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                           867.6MB          -

2 entries were displayed.


# マウントポイントの作成
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test

# ボリュームのマウント
$ sudo mount -t nfs svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_recovery_test /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test/

# マウントされているか確認
$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                                Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_recovery_test nfs4   16G  320K   16G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test

# 10GiBのファイルの作成
$ sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test/test-file bs=512M count=20
20+0 records in
20+0 records out
10737418240 bytes (11 GB) copied, 82.7229 s, 130 MB/s

# ファイル作成後のボリュームの空き容量の確認
$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                                Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_recovery_test nfs4   16G   11G  5.1G  67% /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test

ファイル作成後、ONTAP CLIからもSSDの空き容量と使用量を確認します。

# SSDの空き容量の確認
::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM
Vserver        Aggregate      State         Size Type    SnapLock Type
-------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- --------------
SVM            aggr1          online     798.2GB ssd     non-snaplock

# SSDとキャパシティプールストレージの使用量の確認
::> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             62.29GB         7%
      Aggregate Metadata                             1.31GB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    109.0GB        12%

      Total Physical Used                           66.56GB         7%

      Total Provisioned Space                       100.1TB

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  867.6MB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   867.6MB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                           867.6MB          -

2 entries were displayed.





# Snapshotの取得
::> snapshot create -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -snapshot recovery_test

# 取得したSnapshotの確認
::> snapshot show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
SVM      vol_recovery_test
                  recovery_test                            144KB     0%    0%


# ボリュームをオフラインに変更
::> volume offline -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Warning: Volume "vol_recovery_test" on Vserver "SVM" must be unmounted before being taken offline or restricted.
         Clients will not be able to access the affected volume and related junction paths after that.  Do you still
         want to unmount the volume and continue? {y|n}: y
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test" is now offline.

# ボリュームの削除
::> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Info: Volume "vol_recovery_test" in Vserver "SVM" will be marked as deleted and placed in the volume recovery queue.
      The space used by the volume will be recovered only after the retention period of 12 hours has completed. To
      recover the space immediately, get the volume name using (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue show
      vol_recovery_test_*" and then "volume recovery-queue purge -vserver SVM -volume <volume_name>" command. To
      recover the volume use the (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume
      <volume_name>" command.

Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume "vol_recovery_test" in Vserver "SVM" ? {y|n}: y
[Job 1341] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームが削除されたことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
There are no entries matching your query.

# 削除したボリュームのSnapshotを認識できないことを確認
::> snapshot show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
There are no entries matching your query.


# SSDの空き容量の確認
::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM
Vserver        Aggregate      State         Size Type    SnapLock Type
-------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- --------------
SVM            aggr1          online     798.2GB ssd     non-snaplock

# SSDとキャパシティプールストレージの使用量の確認
::> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             62.30GB         7%
      Aggregate Metadata                             1.31GB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    109.0GB        12%

      Total Physical Used                           66.59GB         7%

      Total Provisioned Space                       100.1TB

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  867.6MB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   867.6MB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                           867.6MB          -

2 entries were displayed.





# admin では recovery-queue がない
::> volume ?
  analytics>                  The analytics directory
  autosize                    Set/Display the autosize settings of the flexible volume.
  clone>                      Manage FlexClones
  create                      Create a new volume
  delete                      Delete an existing volume
  efficiency>                 Manage volume efficiency
  encryption>                 The encryption directory
  expand                      Expand the size of a volume by adding constituents
  file>                       File related commands
  flexcache>                  Manage FlexCache
  modify                      Modify volume attributes
  mount                       Mount a volume on another volume with a junction-path
  offline                     Take an existing volume offline
  online                      Bring an existing volume online
  qtree>                      Manage qtrees
  quota>                      Manage Quotas, Policies, Rules and Reports
  reallocation>               Commands for measuring and optimizing data layout
  rehost                      Rehost a volume from one Vserver into another Vserver
  rename                      Rename an existing volume
  restrict                    Restrict an existing volume
  show                        Display a list of volumes
  show-footprint              Display a list of volumes and their data and metadata footprints in their associated
  show-space                  Display space usage for volume(s)
  size                        Set/Display the size of the volume.
  snaplock>                   Manages SnapLock attributes of a SnapLock volume
  snapshot>                   Manage snapshots
  unmount                     Unmount a volume

# 権限レベルを advanced に変更
::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# recovery-queue が存在することを確認
::*> volume ?
  analytics>                  The analytics directory
  autosize                    Set/Display the autosize settings of the flexible volume.
  clone>                      Manage FlexClones
  conversion>                 *The conversion directory
  create                      Create a new volume
  delete                      Delete an existing volume
  efficiency>                 Manage volume efficiency
  encryption>                 The encryption directory
  expand                      Expand the size of a volume by adding constituents
  file>                       File related commands
  flexcache>                  Manage FlexCache
  flexgroup>                  *Manage FlexGroup operations
  make-vsroot                 *Designate a non-root volume as a root volume of the Vserver
  modify                      Modify volume attributes
  mount                       Mount a volume on another volume with a junction-path
  offline                     Take an existing volume offline
  online                      Bring an existing volume online
  qtree>                      Manage qtrees
  quota>                      Manage Quotas, Policies, Rules and Reports
  reallocation>               Commands for measuring and optimizing data layout
  recovery-queue>             *Manage volume recovery queue
  rehost                      Rehost a volume from one Vserver into another Vserver
  rename                      Rename an existing volume
  restrict                    Restrict an existing volume
  show                        Display a list of volumes
  show-footprint              Display a list of volumes and their data and metadata footprints in their associated
  show-space                  Display space usage for volume(s)
  size                        Set/Display the size of the volume.
  snaplock>                   Manages SnapLock attributes of a SnapLock volume
  snapshot>                   Manage snapshots
  unmount                     Unmount a volume

::*> volume recovery-queue ?
  modify                      *Modify attributes of volumes in the recovery queue
  purge                       *Purge volumes from the recovery queue belonging to a Vserver
  purge-all                   *Purge all volumes from the recovery queue belonging to a Vserver
  recover                     *Recover volumes from the recovery queue belonging to a Vserver
  recover-all                 *Recover all volumes from the recovery queue belonging to a Vserver
  show                        *Show volumes in the recovery queue



# ボリュームリカバリーキューの確認
::*> volume recovery-queue show
Vserver   Volume      Deletion Request Time     Retention Hours
--------- ----------- ------------------------  ---------------
SVM       vol_recovery_test_1098
                      Fri Mar 31 13:51:38 2023               12

::*> volume recovery-queue show -instance

           Vserver Name: SVM
            Volume Name: vol_recovery_test_1098
  Deletion Request Time: Fri Mar 31 13:51:38 2023
Volume Delete Retention: 12
   Volume Instance UUID: e63103cd-cf7b-11ed-b946-e1cdfb9c8ff0

ありましたね。こちらのボリュームをvolume recovery-queue recoverでリカバリーします。

# ボリュームリカバリーキュー内のボリュームのリカバリー
::*> volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_1098
Notice: When you bring a recovered volume online, there may be a temporary drop in performance for all volumes in the same aggregate.

Volume recovery successful for volume "vol_recovery_test_1098" in Vserver "SVM".

# リカバリーしたボリュームの確認
::*> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test* -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume                 size state   junction-path available used type
------- ---------------------- ---- ------- ------------- --------- ---- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test_1098 16GB offline -             -         -    RW

# リカバリーしたボリュームのSnapshotの確認
::*> snapshot show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test*
There are no entries matching your query.

Info: Unable to get information for Snapshot copies of volume "vol_recovery_test_1098" on Vserver "SVM". Reason: Volume
      not online.




Post recovery steps:

After using the recover command, the following steps must still be performed on the volume:

  1. Rename the volume using volume rename command.
  2. Set up a junction, if required, running the volume mount command.
  3. Create mappings for LUNs in the volume, if required, run the lun map command.
  4. Associate a snapshot policy, an export policy with the volume, if required, with the volume modify command.
  5. Add new quota policy rules for the volume, if required, with the quota policy rule command.
  6. Add a QOS policy for the volume, if required, run the volume modify command.

Note: When you bring a recovered volume online, there might be a temporary drop in performance for all volumes in the same aggregate.

How to use the Volume Recovery Queue - NetApp Knowledge Base




# 権限レベルを admin に戻す
::*> set admin

# ボリューム名を変更
::> volume rename -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_1098 -newname vol_recovery_test
[Job 1343] Job is queued: Rename vol_recovery_test_1098 to vol_recovery_test.                                           
[Job 1343] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリューム名が変更された子を確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test* -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume            size state   junction-path available used type
------- ----------------- ---- ------- ------------- --------- ---- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test 16GB offline -             -         -    RW

# ボリュームをオンラインに
::> volume online -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test" is now online.

# ボリュームがオンラインになったことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test* -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume            size state  junction-path available used    type
------- ----------------- ---- ------ ------------- --------- ------- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test 16GB online -             5.10GB    10.10GB RW

# Snapshotを認識できるようになったことを確認
::> snapshot show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
SVM      vol_recovery_test
                  recovery_test                            400KB     0%    0%

# ジャンクションパスへのマウント
::> volume mount -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -junction-path /vol_recovery_test

# マウントできたことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test* -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume            size state  junction-path      available used    type
------- ----------------- ---- ------ ------------------ --------- ------- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test 16GB online /vol_recovery_test 5.10GB    10.10GB RW



# マウントできていることを確認
$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                                Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_recovery_test nfs4   16G   11G  5.1G  67% /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test

# ボリューム内にファイルがあることを確認
$ ls -l /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test/
total 10527052
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10737418240 Mar 31 04:39 test-file

# Snapshot ディレクトリにもアクセスできることを確認
$ ls -lR /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test/.snapshot
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 31 04:37 recovery_test

total 10527052
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10737418240 Mar 31 04:39 test-file



# SSDの空き容量の確認
::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM
Vserver        Aggregate      State         Size Type    SnapLock Type
-------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- --------------
SVM            aggr1          online     798.2GB ssd     non-snaplock

# SSDとキャパシティプールストレージの使用量の確認
::> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             62.30GB         7%
      Aggregate Metadata                             1.31GB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    109.0GB        12%

      Total Physical Used                           66.67GB         7%

      Total Provisioned Space                       100.1TB

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  867.6MB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   867.6MB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                           867.6MB          -

2 entries were displayed.

ボリュームリカバリーキューからリカバリーしてもStorage Efficiencyによるデータ削減量は維持されるのか


ボリュームリカバリーキューからリカバリーしてもStorage Efficiencyによるデータ削減量は維持されるのか気になってきました。

現在はStorage Efficiencyは有効化していますが、重複排除・圧縮は効いていません。

# Storage Efficiencyが有効化されているか確認
::> volume efficiency show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

                                     Vserver Name: SVM
                                      Volume Name: vol_recovery_test
                                      Volume Path: /vol/vol_recovery_test
                                            State: Enabled
                                           Status: Idle
                                         Progress: Idle for 00:48:13
                                             Type: Regular
                                         Schedule: -
                           Efficiency Policy Name: auto
                           Blocks Skipped Sharing: 0
                             Last Operation State: Success
                     Last Success Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 13:39:21 2023
                       Last Success Operation End: Fri Mar 31 13:39:28 2023
                             Last Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 13:39:21 2023
                               Last Operation End: Fri Mar 31 13:39:28 2023
                              Last Operation Size: 2.00GB
                             Last Operation Error: -
                                  Changelog Usage: 0%
                                Logical Data Size: 10.10GB
                               Logical Data Limit: 640TB
                             Logical Data Percent: 0%
                                       Queued Job: -
                     Stale Fingerprint Percentage: 0
                                      Compression: false
                               Inline Compression: true
                          Storage Efficiency Mode: efficient
                               Constituent Volume: false
                                    Inline Dedupe: true
                                  Data Compaction: true
                Cross Volume Inline Deduplication: false
            Cross Volume Background Deduplication: false
                         Extended Compressed Data: true

# 重複排除・圧縮量を確認 
# (TSSEのボリュームの圧縮の効果はAggregateレベルで確認する必要があるため、compression-space-save や compression-space-saved-percent は必ず0になる)
::> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, compression-space-saved, compression-space-saved-percent
vserver volume            available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared compression-space-saved compression-space-saved-percent
------- ----------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test 5.10GB    15.20GB 10.10GB 66%          0B              0%                      0B                 0%                         0B                  0B                      0%




# テスト用ファイルの追加
$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test/zero_block_file bs=512MB count=10
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
5120000000 bytes (5.1 GB) copied, 33.3181 s, 154 MB/s

# ボリュームの使用量の確認
$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                                Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_recovery_test nfs4   16G   14G  2.0G  87% /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test


ONTAP CLIからも確認します。

::> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared, compression-space-saved, compression-space-saved-percent
vserver volume            available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared compression-space-saved compression-space-saved-percent
------- ----------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test 2.11GB    15.20GB 13.09GB 86%          1.76GB          12%                     1.76GB             12%                        60KB                0B                      0%



試しに手動でStorage Efficiencyをかけてみます。

::> volume efficiency start -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Error: command failed: Failed to start efficiency on volume "vol_recovery_test" of Vserver "SVM": Cannot perform
       efficiency operations on deprioritized volume. To be able to perform efficiency operations, run the (privilege:
       advanced) "volume efficiency promote" command first.

Storage Efficiencyの優先度が低くなっているようですね。これもリカバリーキューからリカバリーした影響でしょうか。


# ボリュームの作成
::> volume create -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_2 -aggregate aggr1 -size 16GB -state online -policy default -tiering-policy none -junction-path /vol_recovery_test_2
[Job 1345] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームが作成されたことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_2 -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume              size state  junction-path        available used  type
------- ------------------- ---- ------ -------------------- --------- ----- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test_2 16GB online /vol_recovery_test_2 15.20GB   296KB RW


# テスト用ファイルの追加
$ sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test_2/test-file bs=512M count=20
20+0 records in
20+0 records out
10737418240 bytes (11 GB) copied, 81.7745 s, 131 MB/s

$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test_2/zero_block_file bs=512MB count=10
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
5120000000 bytes (5.1 GB) copied, 33.3641 s, 153 MB/s

# ボリュームの使用量の確認
$ df -hT -t nfs4 | grep _2
svm-0404cd705c847e961.fs-05f72eb8f8d03c709.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol_recovery_test_2 nfs4   16G   11G  5.1G  67% /mnt/fsxn/vol_recovery_test_2


ONTAP CLIからも確認します。

::> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test_2 -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared
vserver volume              available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared
------- ------------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test_2 5.08GB    15.20GB 10.12GB 66%          4.77GB          32%                     4.77GB             32%                        0B

::> volume efficiency show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_2

                                     Vserver Name: SVM
                                      Volume Name: vol_recovery_test_2
                                      Volume Path: /vol/vol_recovery_test_2
                                            State: Enabled
                                           Status: Idle
                                         Progress: Idle for 00:08:19
                                             Type: Regular
                                         Schedule: -
                           Efficiency Policy Name: auto
                           Blocks Skipped Sharing: 0
                             Last Operation State: Success
                     Last Success Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 16:20:17 2023
                       Last Success Operation End: Fri Mar 31 16:20:25 2023
                             Last Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 16:20:17 2023
                               Last Operation End: Fri Mar 31 16:20:25 2023
                              Last Operation Size: 2.21GB
                             Last Operation Error: -
                                  Changelog Usage: 0%
                                Logical Data Size: 14.89GB
                               Logical Data Limit: 640TB
                             Logical Data Percent: 0%
                                       Queued Job: -
                     Stale Fingerprint Percentage: 0
                                      Compression: false
                               Inline Compression: true
                          Storage Efficiency Mode: efficient
                               Constituent Volume: false
                                    Inline Dedupe: true
                                  Data Compaction: true
                Cross Volume Inline Deduplication: false
            Cross Volume Background Deduplication: false
                         Extended Compressed Data: true




AFF では、自動ポリシーが設定されているすべてのボリュームが監視され、節約量が少ないボリュームや頻繁に上書きされるボリュームの優先順位が解除されます。

  • 優先度が下がったボリュームは、自動バックグラウンド重複排除の対象ではなくなります。
  • 優先度が下がったボリュームの変更ロギングは無効になり、ボリューム上のメタデータは切り捨てられます。

advanced volume efficiency promote 権限レベルのコマンドを使用すると、優先度が下がったボリュームを昇格させて、自動バックグラウンド重複排除の対象に戻すことができます。

優先順位の低い FlexVol をプロモートする方法 - NetApp

こちらに従い、volume efficiency promoteでボリュームの優先度を上げて自動バックグラウンド重複排除の対象に戻してあげます。

# 権限レベルを advanced に変更
::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# ボリュームの優先度を上げる
::*> volume efficiency promote -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
Volume "vol_recovery_test" of Vserver "SVM" has been made available for automatic deduplication scheduling.

# Storage Efficiencyの実行
::> volume efficiency start -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
The efficiency operation for volume "vol_recovery_test" of Vserver "SVM" has started.

# Storage Efficiencyによるデータ削減量の確認
::> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared
vserver volume            available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared
------- ----------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test 2.11GB    15.20GB 13.09GB 86%          1.76GB          12%                     1.76GB             12%                        60KB

volume efficiency promoteにより、ボリュームの優先度を上げたことにより、volume efficiency startを受け付けるようになりました。



You can run the efficiency operations manually on the data that exists in non-temperature sensitive storage efficiency volumes prior to enabling deduplication, data compression, or data compaction with ONTAP versions earlier than ONTAP 9.8. You can run these operations by using the volume efficiency start -scan-old-data command.

Run efficiency operations manually on existing data


# Storage Efficiencyの実行
::> volume efficiency start -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -scan-old-data

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol_recovery_test" of Vserver "SVM". It might take a
         significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol_recovery_test" of Vserver "SVM" has started.

# Storage Efficiencyの状態の確認
::> volume efficiency show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

                                     Vserver Name: SVM
                                      Volume Name: vol_recovery_test
                                      Volume Path: /vol/vol_recovery_test
                                            State: Enabled
                                           Status: Active
                                         Progress: 3221504 KB Scanned
                                             Type: Regular
                                         Schedule: -
                           Efficiency Policy Name: auto
                           Blocks Skipped Sharing: 0
                             Last Operation State: Success
                     Last Success Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 15:54:28 2023
                       Last Success Operation End: Fri Mar 31 15:54:28 2023
                             Last Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 15:54:28 2023
                               Last Operation End: Fri Mar 31 15:54:28 2023
                              Last Operation Size: 0B
                             Last Operation Error: -
                                  Changelog Usage: 0%
                                Logical Data Size: 14.84GB
                               Logical Data Limit: 640TB
                             Logical Data Percent: 0%
                                       Queued Job: -
                     Stale Fingerprint Percentage: 0
                                      Compression: false
                               Inline Compression: true
                          Storage Efficiency Mode: efficient
                               Constituent Volume: false
                                    Inline Dedupe: true
                                  Data Compaction: true
                Cross Volume Inline Deduplication: false
            Cross Volume Background Deduplication: false
                         Extended Compressed Data: true

# Storage Efficiecnyによるデータ削減量の確認
::> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared
vserver volume            available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared
------- ----------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test 2.19GB    15.20GB 13.01GB 85%          1.84GB          12%                     1.84GB             12%                        64KB

::> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared
vserver volume            available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared
------- ----------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test 2.48GB    15.20GB 12.71GB 83%          2.16GB          15%                     2.16GB             15%                        76KB

::> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared
vserver volume            available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared
------- ----------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test 4.05GB    15.20GB 11.14GB 73%          3.70GB          25%                     3.70GB             25%                        124KB

# Storage Efficiencyの状態の確認
::> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared
vserver volume            available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared
------- ----------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test 5.07GB    15.20GB 10.13GB 66%          4.77GB          32%                     4.77GB             32%                        160KB

::> volume efficiency show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

                                     Vserver Name: SVM
                                      Volume Name: vol_recovery_test
                                      Volume Path: /vol/vol_recovery_test
                                            State: Enabled
                                           Status: Idle
                                         Progress: Idle for 00:03:51
                                             Type: Regular
                                         Schedule: -
                           Efficiency Policy Name: auto
                           Blocks Skipped Sharing: 0
                             Last Operation State: Success
                     Last Success Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 15:56:44 2023
                       Last Success Operation End: Fri Mar 31 16:17:11 2023
                             Last Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 15:56:44 2023
                               Last Operation End: Fri Mar 31 16:17:11 2023
                              Last Operation Size: 14.77GB
                             Last Operation Error: -
                                  Changelog Usage: 0%
                                Logical Data Size: 14.91GB
                               Logical Data Limit: 640TB
                             Logical Data Percent: 0%
                                       Queued Job: -
                     Stale Fingerprint Percentage: 0
                                      Compression: false
                               Inline Compression: true
                          Storage Efficiency Mode: efficient
                               Constituent Volume: false
                                    Inline Dedupe: true
                                  Data Compaction: true
                Cross Volume Inline Deduplication: false
            Cross Volume Background Deduplication: false
                         Extended Compressed Data: true





# ボリュームをオフラインに変更
::> volume offline -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Warning: Volume "vol_recovery_test" on Vserver "SVM" must be unmounted before being taken offline or restricted.
         Clients will not be able to access the affected volume and related junction paths after that.  Do you still
         want to unmount the volume and continue? {y|n}: y
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test" is now offline.

# ボリュームの削除
::> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Info: Volume "vol_recovery_test" in Vserver "SVM" will be marked as deleted and placed in the volume recovery queue.
      The space used by the volume will be recovered only after the retention period of 12 hours has completed. To
      recover the space immediately, get the volume name using (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue show
      vol_recovery_test_*" and then "volume recovery-queue purge -vserver SVM -volume <volume_name>" command. To
      recover the volume use the (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume
      <volume_name>" command.

Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume "vol_recovery_test" in Vserver "SVM" ? {y|n}: y
[Job 1348] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームが削除されたことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
There are no entries matching your query.


# SSDの空き容量の確認
::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM
Vserver        Aggregate      State         Size Type    SnapLock Type
-------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- --------------
SVM            aggr1          online     787.6GB ssd     non-snaplock

# SSDとキャパシティプールストレージの使用量の確認
::> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             72.80GB         8%
      Aggregate Metadata                             6.88GB         1%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    119.5GB        13%

      Total Physical Used                           68.51GB         8%

      Total Provisioned Space                       100.1TB

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  867.6MB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   867.6MB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                           867.6MB          -

2 entries were displayed.



# 権限レベルを advanced に変更
::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# ボリュームリカバリーキューの確認
::*> volume recovery-queue show
Vserver   Volume      Deletion Request Time     Retention Hours
--------- ----------- ------------------------  ---------------
SVM       vol_recovery_test_1098
                      Fri Mar 31 16:45:58 2023               12

# ボリュームリカバリーキュー内のボリュームのリカバリー
::*> volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_1098
Notice: When you bring a recovered volume online, there may be a temporary drop in performance for all volumes in the same aggregate.

Volume recovery successful for volume "vol_recovery_test_1098" in Vserver "SVM".

# リカバリーしたボリュームの確認
::*> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test* -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume                 size state   junction-path available used type
------- ---------------------- ---- ------- ------------- --------- ---- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test_1098 16GB offline -             -         -    RW
SVM     vol_recovery_test_2    16GB online  /vol_recovery_test_2
                                                          5.08GB    10.12GB
2 entries were displayed.

# ボリューム名を変更
::*> volume rename -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_1098 -newname vol_recovery_test
[Job 1350] Job is queued: Rename vol_recovery_test_1098 to vol_recovery_test.                                           
[Job 1350] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームをオンラインに
::*> volume online -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test" is now online.

# ジャンクションパスへのマウント
::*> volume mount -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -junction-path /vol_recovery_test

# リカバリーしたボリュームの確認
::*> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test* -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume            size state  junction-path      available used    type
------- ----------------- ---- ------ ------------------ --------- ------- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test 16GB online /vol_recovery_test 5.07GB    10.13GB RW
SVM     vol_recovery_test_2
                          16GB online /vol_recovery_test_2
                                                         5.08GB    10.12GB RW
2 entries were displayed.

# Storage Efficiencyによるデータ削減量の確認
::*> volume show -volume vol_recovery_test* -fields total, used, available, percent-used, sis-space-saved, sis-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-saved, dedupe-space-saved-percent, dedupe-space-shared
vserver volume            available total   used    percent-used sis-space-saved sis-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-saved dedupe-space-saved-percent dedupe-space-shared
------- ----------------- --------- ------- ------- ------------ --------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test 5.07GB    15.20GB 10.13GB 66%          4.77GB          32%                     4.77GB             32%                        160KB
SVM     vol_recovery_test_2
                          5.08GB    15.20GB 10.12GB 66%          4.77GB          32%                     4.77GB             32%                        0B
2 entries were displayed.

リカバリーした場合もStorage Efficiencyによるデータ削減量は維持してくれることが分かりました。

リカバリー後のボリュームがStorage Efficiencyの優先度が下がっているか確認

再度リカバリー後のボリュームがStorage Efficiencyの優先度が下がっているかを確認します。

# Storage Efficiencyの手動実行
::*> volume efficiency start -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
The efficiency operation for volume "vol_recovery_test" of Vserver "SVM" has started.

# Storage Efficiencyの状態の確認
::*> volume efficiency show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

                                     Vserver Name: SVM
                                      Volume Name: vol_recovery_test
                                      Volume Path: /vol/vol_recovery_test
                                            State: Enabled
                                           Status: Idle
                                         Progress: Idle for 00:00:34
                                             Type: Regular
                                         Schedule: -
                           Efficiency Policy Name: auto
                           Blocks Skipped Sharing: 0
                             Last Operation State: Success
                     Last Success Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 17:03:24 2023
                       Last Success Operation End: Fri Mar 31 17:03:24 2023
                             Last Operation Begin: Fri Mar 31 17:03:24 2023
                               Last Operation End: Fri Mar 31 17:03:24 2023
                              Last Operation Size: 0B
                             Last Operation Error: -
                                  Changelog Usage: 0%
                                Logical Data Size: 14.89GB
                               Logical Data Limit: 640TB
                             Logical Data Percent: 0%
                                       Queued Job: -
                     Stale Fingerprint Percentage: 0
                                      Compression: false
                               Inline Compression: true
                                 Compression Type: adaptive
                          Storage Efficiency Mode: efficient
                               Constituent Volume: false
                                    Inline Dedupe: true
                                  Data Compaction: true
                Cross Volume Inline Deduplication: false
            Cross Volume Background Deduplication: false
                         Extended Compressed Data: true

volume efficiency startできてしまいました。リカバリー後に優先度が下がったのは偶然だったのでしょうか。






# 現在の階層化ポリシーの確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -fields tiering-policy
vserver volume            tiering-policy
------- ----------------- --------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test none

# 各階層の使用量の確認
::> volume show-footprint -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

                                       Vserver: SVM
                                   Volume Name: vol_recovery_test
                                   Volume MSID: 2156877944
                                   Volume DSID: 1098
                                  Vserver UUID: 49892dec-8ccc-11ed-946a-5191ab1a5297
                                Aggregate Name: aggr1
                                Aggregate UUID: b7e5d9c9-8ccb-11ed-946a-5191ab1a5297
                                      Hostname: FsxId05f72eb8f8d03c709-01
                Tape Backup Metadata Footprint: -
        Tape Backup Metadata Footprint Percent: -
                       Deduplication Footprint: 60.13MB
               Deduplication Footprint Percent: 0%
             Temporary Deduplication Footprint: -
     Temporary Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
          Cross Volume Deduplication Footprint: -
  Cross Volume Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
Cross Volume Temporary Deduplication Footprint: -
Cross Volume Temporary Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
                         Volume Data Footprint: 10.18GB
                 Volume Data Footprint Percent: 1%
            Flexible Volume Metadata Footprint: 92.66MB
    Flexible Volume Metadata Footprint Percent: 0%
                           Delayed Free Blocks: 155.0MB
                   Delayed Free Blocks Percent: 0%
              SnapMirror Destination Footprint: -
      SnapMirror Destination Footprint Percent: -
                              Volume Guarantee: 0B
                      Volume Guarantee Percent: 0%
                       File Operation Metadata: -
               File Operation Metadata Percent: -
                               Total Footprint: 10.49GB
                       Total Footprint Percent: 1%
                     Containing Aggregate Size: 907.1GB
                                 Name for bin0: Performance Tier
                     Volume Footprint for bin0: 10.34GB
                 Volume Footprint bin0 Percent: 100%
                                 Name for bin1: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                     Volume Footprint for bin1: 0B
                 Volume Footprint bin1 Percent: 0%
                 Total Deduplication Footprint: 60.13MB
         Total Deduplication Footprint Percent: 0%
Footprint Data Reduction by Auto Adaptive Compression: 94.41MB
Footprint Data Reduction by Auto Adaptive Compression Percent: 0%
                Total Footprint Data Reduction: 94.41MB
        Total Footprint Data Reduction Percent: 0%
Effective Total after Footprint Data Reduction: 10.39GB
Effective Total after Footprint Data Reduction Percent: 1%

# 階層化ポリシーをAllに変更
::> volume modify -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -tiering-policy all
Volume modify successful on volume vol_recovery_test of Vserver SVM.

# 階層化ポリシーがAllになったことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -fields tiering-policy
vserver volume            tiering-policy
------- ----------------- --------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test all

# ほとんどのデータがSSDからキャパシティプールに階層化されたことを確認
::> volume show-footprint -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

                                       Vserver: SVM
                                   Volume Name: vol_recovery_test
                                   Volume MSID: 2156877944
                                   Volume DSID: 1098
                                  Vserver UUID: 49892dec-8ccc-11ed-946a-5191ab1a5297
                                Aggregate Name: aggr1
                                Aggregate UUID: b7e5d9c9-8ccb-11ed-946a-5191ab1a5297
                                      Hostname: FsxId05f72eb8f8d03c709-01
                Tape Backup Metadata Footprint: -
        Tape Backup Metadata Footprint Percent: -
                       Deduplication Footprint: 60.13MB
               Deduplication Footprint Percent: 0%
             Temporary Deduplication Footprint: -
     Temporary Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
          Cross Volume Deduplication Footprint: -
  Cross Volume Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
Cross Volume Temporary Deduplication Footprint: -
Cross Volume Temporary Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
                         Volume Data Footprint: 10.18GB
                 Volume Data Footprint Percent: 1%
            Flexible Volume Metadata Footprint: 92.66MB
    Flexible Volume Metadata Footprint Percent: 0%
                           Delayed Free Blocks: 159.2MB
                   Delayed Free Blocks Percent: 0%
              SnapMirror Destination Footprint: -
      SnapMirror Destination Footprint Percent: -
                              Volume Guarantee: 0B
                      Volume Guarantee Percent: 0%
                       File Operation Metadata: -
               File Operation Metadata Percent: -
                               Total Footprint: 10.49GB
                       Total Footprint Percent: 1%
                     Containing Aggregate Size: 907.1GB
                                 Name for bin0: Performance Tier
                     Volume Footprint for bin0: 348.6MB
                 Volume Footprint bin0 Percent: 3%
                                 Name for bin1: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                     Volume Footprint for bin1: 10GB
                 Volume Footprint bin1 Percent: 97%
                 Total Deduplication Footprint: 60.13MB
         Total Deduplication Footprint Percent: 0%
Footprint Data Reduction by Auto Adaptive Compression: 3.11MB
Footprint Data Reduction by Auto Adaptive Compression Percent: 0%
                Total Footprint Data Reduction: 3.11MB
        Total Footprint Data Reduction Percent: 0%
Effective Total after Footprint Data Reduction: 10.49GB
Effective Total after Footprint Data Reduction Percent: 1%



# SSDの空き容量の確認
::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM
Vserver        Aggregate      State         Size Type    SnapLock Type
-------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- --------------
SVM            aggr1          online     797.6GB ssd     non-snaplock

# SSDとキャパシティプールストレージの使用量の確認
::> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             62.81GB         7%
      Aggregate Metadata                             1.51GB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    109.5GB        12%

      Total Physical Used                           68.57GB         8%

      Total Provisioned Space                       100.1TB

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  10.93GB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   10.91GB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                 21.69MB          -
      Space Saved by Storage Efficiency             99.22KB          -

      Total Physical Used                           10.93GB          -

2 entries were displayed.




# ボリュームをオフラインに変更
::> volume offline -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Warning: Volume "vol_recovery_test" on Vserver "SVM" must be unmounted before being taken offline or restricted.
         Clients will not be able to access the affected volume and related junction paths after that.  Do you still
         want to unmount the volume and continue? {y|n}: y
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test" is now offline.

# ボリュームの削除
::> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Info: Volume "vol_recovery_test" in Vserver "SVM" will be marked as deleted and placed in the volume recovery queue.
      The space used by the volume will be recovered only after the retention period of 12 hours has completed. To
      recover the space immediately, get the volume name using (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue show
      vol_recovery_test_*" and then "volume recovery-queue purge -vserver SVM -volume <volume_name>" command. To
      recover the volume use the (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume
      <volume_name>" command.

Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume "vol_recovery_test" in Vserver "SVM" ? {y|n}: y
[Job 1354] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームが削除されたことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
There are no entries matching your query.


# SSDの空き容量の確認
::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM
Vserver        Aggregate      State         Size Type    SnapLock Type
-------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- --------------
SVM            aggr1          online     797.6GB ssd     non-snaplock

# SSDとキャパシティプールストレージの使用量の確認
::> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             62.81GB         7%
      Aggregate Metadata                             1.51GB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    109.5GB        12%

      Total Physical Used                           68.58GB         8%

      Total Provisioned Space                       100.1TB

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  10.93GB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   10.91GB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                 21.69MB          -
      Space Saved by Storage Efficiency             99.22KB          -

      Total Physical Used                           10.93GB          -

2 entries were displayed.



# 権限レベルを advanced に変更
::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# ボリュームリカバリーキューの確認
::*> volume recovery-queue show
Vserver   Volume      Deletion Request Time     Retention Hours
--------- ----------- ------------------------  ---------------
SVM       vol_recovery_test_1098
                      Fri Mar 31 17:28:04 2023               12

# ボリュームリカバリーキュー内のボリュームのリカバリー
::*> volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_1098
Notice: When you bring a recovered volume online, there may be a temporary drop in performance for all volumes in the same aggregate.

Volume recovery successful for volume "vol_recovery_test_1098" in Vserver "SVM".

# 権限レベルを admin に変更
::*> set admin

# ボリューム名を変更
::> volume rename -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_1098 -newname vol_recovery_test
[Job 1356] Job is queued: Rename vol_recovery_test_1098 to vol_recovery_test.                                           [Job 1356] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームをオンラインに
::> volume online -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test" is now online.

# ジャンクションパスへのマウント
::> volume mount -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -junction-path /vol_recovery_test

# リカバリーしたボリュームの確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -fields state, type, size, available, used, junction-path
vserver volume            size state  junction-path      available used    type
------- ----------------- ---- ------ ------------------ --------- ------- ----
SVM     vol_recovery_test 16GB online /vol_recovery_test 5.08GB    10.12GB RW



# 階層化ポリシーの確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test -fields tiering-policy
vserver volume            tiering-policy
------- ----------------- --------------
SVM     vol_recovery_test all

# 各階層の使用量の確認
::> volume show-footprint -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

                                       Vserver: SVM
                                   Volume Name: vol_recovery_test
                                   Volume MSID: 2156877944
                                   Volume DSID: 1098
                                  Vserver UUID: 49892dec-8ccc-11ed-946a-5191ab1a5297
                                Aggregate Name: aggr1
                                Aggregate UUID: b7e5d9c9-8ccb-11ed-946a-5191ab1a5297
                                      Hostname: FsxId05f72eb8f8d03c709-01
                Tape Backup Metadata Footprint: -
        Tape Backup Metadata Footprint Percent: -
                       Deduplication Footprint: 60.13MB
               Deduplication Footprint Percent: 0%
             Temporary Deduplication Footprint: -
     Temporary Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
          Cross Volume Deduplication Footprint: -
  Cross Volume Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
Cross Volume Temporary Deduplication Footprint: -
Cross Volume Temporary Deduplication Footprint Percent: -
                         Volume Data Footprint: 10.18GB
                 Volume Data Footprint Percent: 1%
            Flexible Volume Metadata Footprint: 92.66MB
    Flexible Volume Metadata Footprint Percent: 0%
                           Delayed Free Blocks: 159.3MB
                   Delayed Free Blocks Percent: 0%
              SnapMirror Destination Footprint: -
      SnapMirror Destination Footprint Percent: -
                              Volume Guarantee: 0B
                      Volume Guarantee Percent: 0%
                       File Operation Metadata: -
               File Operation Metadata Percent: -
                               Total Footprint: 10.49GB
                       Total Footprint Percent: 1%
                     Containing Aggregate Size: 907.1GB
                                 Name for bin0: Performance Tier
                     Volume Footprint for bin0: 348.8MB
                 Volume Footprint bin0 Percent: 3%
                                 Name for bin1: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
                     Volume Footprint for bin1: 10GB
                 Volume Footprint bin1 Percent: 97%
                 Total Deduplication Footprint: 60.13MB
         Total Deduplication Footprint Percent: 0%
Footprint Data Reduction by Auto Adaptive Compression: 3.11MB
Footprint Data Reduction by Auto Adaptive Compression Percent: 0%
                Total Footprint Data Reduction: 3.11MB
        Total Footprint Data Reduction Percent: 0%
Effective Total after Footprint Data Reduction: 10.49GB
Effective Total after Footprint Data Reduction Percent: 1%





1つのボリュームを削除したい場合はvolume recovery-queue purgeで、リカバリーキュー内の全てのボリュームを全て削除したい場合はvolume recovery-queue purge-allで行えます。

実際にvolume recovery-queue purgeを試してみます。


# ボリュームをオフラインに変更
::> volume offline -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Warning: Volume "vol_recovery_test" on Vserver "SVM" must be unmounted before being taken offline or restricted.
         Clients will not be able to access the affected volume and related junction paths after that.  Do you still
         want to unmount the volume and continue? {y|n}: y
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test" is now offline.

# ボリュームの削除
::> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test

Info: Volume "vol_recovery_test" in Vserver "SVM" will be marked as deleted and placed in the volume recovery queue.
      The space used by the volume will be recovered only after the retention period of 12 hours has completed. To
      recover the space immediately, get the volume name using (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue show
      vol_recovery_test_*" and then "volume recovery-queue purge -vserver SVM -volume <volume_name>" command. To
      recover the volume use the (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume
      <volume_name>" command.

Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume "vol_recovery_test" in Vserver "SVM" ? {y|n}: y
[Job 1359] Job succeeded: Successful


# 権限レベルを advanced に変更
::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# ボリュームリカバリーキューの確認
::*> volume recovery-queue show
Vserver   Volume      Deletion Request Time     Retention Hours
--------- ----------- ------------------------  ---------------
SVM       vol_recovery_test_1098
                      Fri Mar 31 17:50:59 2023               12

# リカバリーキュー内のボリュームの削除
::*> volume recovery-queue purge -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_1098
[Job 1361] Job succeeded: Successful

# リカバリーキュー内のボリュームが削除されたことを確認
::*> volume recovery-queue show
This table is currently empty.



# 権限レベルを admin に変更
::*> set admin

# SSDの空き容量の確認
::> vserver show-aggregates -vserver SVM
Vserver        Aggregate      State         Size Type    SnapLock Type
-------------- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- --------------
SVM            aggr1          online     798.1GB ssd     non-snaplock

# SSDとキャパシティプールストレージの使用量の確認
::> aggr show-space

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             62.32GB         7%
      Aggregate Metadata                             1.41GB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                              45.36GB         5%
      Total Used                                    109.0GB        12%

      Total Physical Used                           68.29GB         8%

      Total Provisioned Space                       100.1TB

      Aggregate : aggr1
      Object Store: FSxFabricpoolObjectStore
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                  867.6MB          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                   867.6MB          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                           867.6MB          -

2 entries were displayed.





そのような場合はvserver modify-volume-delete-retention-hoursで指定します。


# advanced だと -volume-delete-retention-hours が指定できないことを確認
::*> vserver modify ?
   [-vserver] <vserver name>                                     Vserver
  [ -language <language_code> ]                                  Default Volume Language Code
  [ -snapshot-policy <snapshot policy> ]                         Snapshot Policy
  [ -comment <text (size 0..255)> ]                              Comment
  [ -quota-policy <text (size 1..32)> ]                          Quota Policy
  [ -aggr-list <aggregate name>, ... ]                           List of Aggregates Assigned
  [ -max-volumes {<integer>|unlimited} ]                         Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed
  [ -admin-state {running|stopped|starting|stopping} ]           *Vserver Admin State
  [ -allowed-protocols {nfs|cifs|fcp|iscsi|ndmp|nvme}, ... ]     Allowed Protocols
  [ -disallowed-protocols {nfs|cifs|fcp|iscsi|ndmp|nvme}, ... ]  Disallowed Protocols
  [ -qos-policy-group <text> ]                                   QoS Policy Group
  [ -caching-policy <text> ]                                     Caching Policy Name
  [ -is-space-reporting-logical {true|false} ]                   Logical Space Reporting
  [ -is-space-enforcement-logical {true|false} ]                 Logical Space Enforcement
  [ -anti-ransomware-default-volume-state {disabled|dry-run} ]   Default Anti_ransomware State of the Vserver\'s Volumes

::*> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# diagnostic だと -volume-delete-retention-hours が指定できることを確認
::*> vserver modify ?
   [-vserver] <vserver name>                                     Vserver
  [ -language <language_code> ]                                  Default Volume Language Code
  [ -snapshot-policy <snapshot policy> ]                         Snapshot Policy
  [ -comment <text (size 0..255)> ]                              Comment
  [ -quota-policy <text (size 1..32)> ]                          Quota Policy
  [ -aggr-list <aggregate name>, ... ]                           List of Aggregates Assigned
  [ -max-volumes {<integer>|unlimited} ]                         Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed
  [ -admin-state {running|stopped|starting|stopping} ]           *Vserver Admin State
  [ -allowed-protocols {nfs|cifs|fcp|iscsi|ndmp|nvme}, ... ]     Allowed Protocols
  [ -disallowed-protocols {nfs|cifs|fcp|iscsi|ndmp|nvme}, ... ]  Disallowed Protocols
  [ -qos-policy-group <text> ]                                   QoS Policy Group
  [ -caching-policy <text> ]                                     Caching Policy Name
  [ -volume-delete-retention-hours <integer> ]                   *Volume Delete Retention Period
  [ -is-space-reporting-logical {true|false} ]                   Logical Space Reporting
  [ -is-space-enforcement-logical {true|false} ]                 Logical Space Enforcement
  [ -anti-ransomware-default-volume-state {disabled|dry-run} ]   Default Anti_ransomware State of the Vserver\'s Volumes


テクニカルサポートケースまたはプロフェッショナルサービス契約を通じてネットアップと連携 ネットアップのサポートがないかぎり、diagnostic権限レベルは絶対に設定しないでください

ONTAP でdiagnostic権限レベルを入力する方法 - NetApp


# 現在のリカバリーキューの保持期間の確認
::*> vserver show -vserver SVM -fields volume-delete-retention-hours
vserver volume-delete-retention-hours
------- -----------------------------
SVM     12

# リカバリーキューの保持期間を24時間に変更
::*> vserver modify -vserver SVM -volume-delete-retention-hours 24

# リカバリーキューの保持期間を24時間に変更されたことを確認
::*> vserver show -vserver SVM -fields volume-delete-retention-hours
vserver volume-delete-retention-hours
------- -----------------------------
SVM     24



# 権限レベルを admin に変更
::*> set admin

# ボリュームの作成
::> volume create -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_3 -aggregate aggr1 -size 16GB -state offline
Storage efficiency cannot be enabled on the volume "vol_recovery_test_3" of vserver "SVM" because the volume state is "offline". Bring the volume online, and then enable storage efficiency using the "volume efficiency modify" command.
[Job 1365] Job succeeded: Successful                                                                                    

# ボリュームの削除
::> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_3

Info: Volume "vol_recovery_test_3" in Vserver "SVM" will be marked as deleted and placed in the volume recovery queue.
      The space used by the volume will be recovered only after the retention period of 24 hours has completed. To
      recover the space immediately, get the volume name using (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue show
      vol_recovery_test_3_*" and then "volume recovery-queue purge -vserver SVM -volume <volume_name>" command. To
      recover the volume use the (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume
      <volume_name>" command.

Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume "vol_recovery_test_3" in Vserver "SVM" ? {y|n}: y
[Job 1367] Job succeeded: Successful


# 権限レベルを advanced に変更
::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# リカバリーキューの確認
::*> volume recovery-queue show
Vserver   Volume      Deletion Request Time     Retention Hours
--------- ----------- ------------------------  ---------------
SVM       vol_recovery_test_3_1100
                      Fri Mar 31 18:16:53 2023               24

リカバリーキュー内のボリュームのRetention Hours24になりましたね。



volume-delete-retention-hoursがゼロに設定されている場合、この機能はその SVM に対して無効になります。その後のボリューム削除要求では、ボリュームが完全に破棄され、ボリュームはリカバリキューに保持されません。この機能を無効にすることはお勧めしません。

::*> vserver modify -vserver <vserver_name> -volume-delete-retention-hours 0

ボリュームリカバリキューの使用方法 - NetApp


vserver modify-volume-delete-retention-hoursで指定した値は、既にリカバリーキュー内にあるボリュームの保持期間に影響を与えません。

リカバリーキュー内のボリュームの保持期間の変更したい場合は、volume recovery-queue modifyを実行します。


::*> volume recovery-queue modify -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_3_1100 -retention-hours 1

::*>  volume recovery-queue show
Vserver   Volume      Deletion Request Time     Retention Hours
--------- ----------- ------------------------  ---------------
SVM       vol_recovery_test_3_1100
                      Fri Mar 31 18:16:53 2023                1


ボリューム削除時に -force を指定する




# ボリュームの作成
::> volume create -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_4 -aggregate aggr1 -size 16GB -state offline
Storage efficiency cannot be enabled on the volume "vol_recovery_test_4" of vserver "SVM" because the volume state is "offline". Bring the volume online, and then enable storage efficiency using the "volume efficiency modify" command.
[Job 1370] Job succeeded: Successful                                                                                    

# -force を指定できるか確認
::> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_4 -?
  [ -foreground {true|false} ]  Foreground Process (default: true)

# 権限レベルを advanced に変更
::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# -force を指定できることを確認
::*> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_4 -?
  [[-force] [true]]             *Force Delete
  [ -foreground {true|false} ]  Foreground Process (default: true)

# -force を指定してボリュームを削除
::*> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_4 -force
[Job 1372] Job succeeded: Successful


::*> volume recovery-queue show
Vserver   Volume      Deletion Request Time     Retention Hours
--------- ----------- ------------------------  ---------------
SVM       vol_recovery_test_3_1100
                      Fri Mar 31 18:16:53 2023                1





# FlexGroupボリュームを作成
::> volume create -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5 -aggr-list aggr1 -aggr-list-multiplier 4 -size 16GB

Notice: The FlexGroup volume "vol_recovery_test_5" will be created with the following number of constituents of size
        4GB: 4.

Warning: The constituent size is smaller than the recommended minimum constituent size of 100GB. You should ensure that
         the size of a 4 constituent FlexGroup volume be at least 400GB (429496729600B), or the performance of the
         FlexGroup volume will be less than optimal.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Warning: You are attempting to create a FlexGroup volume in Vserver "SVM", which currently uses 32-bit NFSv3 FSIDs and
         file IDs. This could result in collisions between different file IDs on the FlexGroup volume. Modify the
         Vserver to use 64-bit NFSv3 identifiers before using the FlexGroup volume with the commands "set advanced;
         vserver nfs modify -vserver SVM -v3-64bit-identifiers enabled".
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
[Job 1374] Job succeeded: Successful

# FlexGroupボリュームの確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5*
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5
                       -            online     RW         16GB    14.98GB    1%

# FlexGroupボリュームのメンバーボリュームの確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5* -is-constituent true
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5__0001
                       aggr1        online     RW          4GB     3.74GB    1%
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5__0002
                       aggr1        online     RW          4GB     3.74GB    1%
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5__0003
                       aggr1        online     RW          4GB     3.74GB    1%
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5__0004
                       aggr1        online     RW          4GB     3.74GB    1%
4 entries were displayed.


# ボリュームをオフラインに
::> volume offline -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test_5" is now offline.

# ボリュームの削除
::> volume delete -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5

Info: Volume "vol_recovery_test_5" in Vserver "SVM" will be marked as deleted and placed in the volume recovery queue.
      The space used by the volume will be recovered only after the retention period of 24 hours has completed. To
      recover the space immediately, get the volume name using (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue show
      vol_recovery_test_5_*" and then "volume recovery-queue purge -vserver SVM -volume <volume_name>" command. To
      recover the volume use the (privilege:advanced) "volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume
      <volume_name>" command.

Warning: Are you sure you want to delete volume "vol_recovery_test_5" in Vserver "SVM" ? {y|n}: y
[Job 1379] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームが削除されたことを確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5* -is-constituent true
There are no entries matching your query.



# 権限レベルを advanced に変更
::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

# ボリュームリカバリーキューの確認
::*> volume recovery-queue show
Vserver   Volume      Deletion Request Time     Retention Hours
--------- ----------- ------------------------  ---------------
SVM       vol_recovery_test_3_1100
                      Fri Mar 31 18:16:53 2023                1
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948
                      Fri Mar 31 19:40:20 2023               24
2 entries were displayed.

# FlexGroupボリュームのリカバリー
FsxId05f72eb8f8d03c709::*> volume recovery-queue recover -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948
Notice: When you bring a recovered volume online, there may be a temporary drop in performance for all volumes in the same aggregate.

Volume recovery successful for volume "vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948" in Vserver "SVM".

# 権限レベルを admin に変更
FsxId05f72eb8f8d03c709::*> set admin

# ボリュームがリカバリーされていることを確認
FsxId05f72eb8f8d03c709::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5* -is-constituent true
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948__0001
                       aggr1        offline    RW          4GB          -     -
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948__0002
                       aggr1        offline    RW          4GB          -     -
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948__0003
                       aggr1        offline    RW          4GB          -     -
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948__0004
                       aggr1        offline    RW          4GB          -     -
4 entries were displayed.

::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5*
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948
                       -            offline    RW         16GB          -     -

# ボリュームの名前変更
::> volume rename -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948 -newname vol_recovery_test_5
[Job 1387] Job is queued: Rename vol_recovery_test_5_2156877948 to vol_recovery_test_5.                                 
[Job 1387] Job succeeded: Successful

# ボリュームをオンラインに
::> volume online -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5
Volume "SVM:vol_recovery_test_5" is now online.

FsxId05f72eb8f8d03c709::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5*
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5
                       -            online     RW         16GB    15.03GB    1%

# ボリュームの状態を確認
::> volume show -vserver SVM -volume vol_recovery_test_5* -is-constituent true
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5__0001
                       aggr1        online     RW          4GB     3.74GB    1%
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5__0002
                       aggr1        online     RW          4GB     3.74GB    1%
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5__0003
                       aggr1        online     RW          4GB     3.74GB    1%
SVM       vol_recovery_test_5__0004
                       aggr1        online     RW          4GB     3.74GB    1%
4 entries were displayed.



Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPでボリュームリカバリーキューを使ってみました。





以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!

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